Does the world really need a dedicated AI advisory service with all the noise and hype that’s going on? Absolutely yes, and I am delighted to join Data Kinetic as Chief Analyst to offer advisory services with our unique twist.
First consider the Goldilocks Conundrum of current AI advisory offerings. Most are too focused on tooling and technology, completely ignoring business aspects. Others are too superficial, scratching the surface of the challenges and opportunities of AI. Ours is just right: based on practical experience and tuned to your particular industry and needs, taking into account the real-world complexities of applying AI amid application portfolios that stretch from ancient green screens to the latest SaaS service.
About that twist? At Data Kinetic we recognise that the need for advice, talent and technology ebbs and flows as business needs change. Unlike other advisory services which demand multi-year contracts at extravagant prices, we allow you to turn your subscription on and off as required. For everything, forever.
So that’s why I’m excited to be leading this new style of advisory service adapted to the needs of modern businesses. Contact us to find out how we can help you and your business not just survive, but thrive in the AI-powered world.
Why me and why now?
I built my first AI solution way back in 1982 when I was a student. It was an autocorrect for programmers, and yes I am that old. I used AI inference to automate chip design as part of my PhD. Since then I have built all sorts of technology, from high-availability operating systems to mobile apps. I used AI to optimize app delivery and eliminate manual porting as an entrepreneur early into the world of mobile apps in 2004.
I’ve built technology and advised companies through successive waves of technology: PCs, web, cloud, mobile and now AI. I am painfully aware of the pitfalls and problems of adopting new technologies - and how to avoid them. While technology enables change and innovation, it is not enough on its own. It must be linked to the business context, and all too often there is a massive gap between the business people who understand the market, and the technical people who understand the technology. I call that the concept gap, and bridging it requires clear communication understood on both sides, and that’s one of my skills and a constant source of delight to me. So much so that I was awarded both the Research Inquiry Excellence and Thought Leadership awards at Gartner.

The concept gap is increasingly relevant as companies are under increasing pressure to adopt AI from their shareholders, directors and other stakeholders, but without a great understanding of why or how AI can help them. I call this moving from FOMO to Focus - companies and their management need to get serious about committing to AI, and not just proofs of concept. The problem with proof of concept projects is that they don’t have the commitment they require from the business which often dooms them to failure.
Big consultancies are reporting massive revenues from generative AI projects, but I wonder how much of this will be wasted. Research shows that most digital transformation projects fail, are AI transformations going to go the same way? And for the same reasons?
Now is the time to stop businesses pouring vast amounts of cash into AI projects that are doomed to fail by being set up the wrong way, lacking business commitment, and having poorly-defined goals. I am looking forward to helping businesses avoid these issues and achieve their best with Applied AI through the flexible Data Kinetic engagement model.